My Sleep Study
Tonight I will sleep in the family room on the floor
and not in the bed. This is not unusual for me.
I will roll and turn more and usually wake up not fully rested, actually feeling
better than bed rest.
It will take me 20 mins. from 22:10-22:30 to settle down
as my oxygen drops from 100 to 90.
My heart remains at 80 bpm for some time.
At 23:15-23:25 my oxygen drops below 90, the threshold, three times, and spikes
three times.
Snoring? Seems that snoring is followed by spikes to regain oxygen levels.
My oxygen More snoring from 00:35-00:50.
My heart rate drops from 80 to 70 bpm
Sleeping on the floor I will roll and turn from side to
side, face up, face down.
Movement is recorded as spikes and dips.
More movement recorded. At 03:30 I got up and went
to the bathroom.
At 06:20, more spikes as I wake up but remain in a sleep positon.
My heart rate remained 70 on average and some 60
indicating some deep sleep on the floor.
At 07:30 I reach and turn off the monitor device. I am getting up.